Übersetzung & Definition

a business trip: eine Dienstreise, eine Geschäftsreise noun
a trip: eine Reise, eine Fahrt noun


  • "Enjoy your trip."
  • "The trip is funded 100% by the company, including the mandatory bear insurance."
  • "To say thank you for all your hard work lately, and to celebrate our moderately successful first quarter sales, I'm pleased to announce that the senior staff of the Delavigne Corporation will be taking a team-building trip this weekend!"
  • "Brian : Well, I was just about to phone a hotel to reserve a room for Bruno's trip to New York next month."
  • "I'm happy to report that our "sales road trip" to Los Angeles was a crashing success, in the sense that we successfully crashed the company car."
  • "Bruno : In conclusion, my trip to London has been difficult at times."
  • "Donna : Bruno, if you're having such a hard time making decisions, why don't I do the deciding for the rest of the trip?"
  • "Don't mind him Kimberly, he's just a bit jet-lagged from the trip."
  • "Bruno : It was a long trip through space and time."
  • "Philip will be traveling by company car in order to save on airfare, so you can consider this a 'business road trip' if you like."

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