Übersetzung & Definition

a budget: ein Budget noun

UK: My budget for the month is 5 pounds. Luckily, I like eating soup.
US: Construction costs will be included in next month's budget.


  • "That's why we've decided to slightly increase the budgets of each department and continue to invest."
  • "Reaching new heights in budget air travel"
  • "or Las Vegas, but I'd settle for something a little closer to home if the budget won't budge."
  • "I have everything from Abba to ZZ Top- something to suit every taste and budget!"
  • "Now, I'd like to open the floor for discussion, and eventually a vote to approve the new budget proposals."
  • "There are many things to consider at the end of the year, and we certainly have some important decisions to make regarding departmental budgets and personnel payroll."
  • "We will take into account their suggestions, but these costs will be part of the budget increase."
  • "And then I'm supposed to have a meeting with Philip and talk about the sales budget for the next quarter, and I just know he's going to ask me for more stuff that I can't afford to allocate him, and - well - you know what Philip's like, and... It's just too much, mommy!"
  • "Our entire advertising budget is already spent!"
  • "I'm doing the best I can with your budget."

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