Übersetzung & Definition
a boundary: eine Abgrenzung, eine Grenze
There are certain boundaries which you should respect. Es gibt bestimmte Grenzen, die du respektieren solltest.
The boundary between Mexico and the United States is heavily guarded. Die Grenzlinie zwischen Mexiko und den Vereinten Staaten ist schwer bewacht.
Pronunciation examples
UK: The boundary between Mexico and the United States is heavily-guarded.
US: There are certain boundaries which you should respect.
- "Rugby fan : Well, apart from the obvious geographical reasons, there does seem to be a sense of unity that transcends national boundaries."
- "Would you care to live amongst beautiful women dedicated to exploring the boundaries of pleasure every moment of every day?"
- "Susie : Jean doesn't seem to understand that there are certain boundaries in the workplace which he should respect."
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