Übersetzung & Definition

to bother: belästigen, stören, ärgern verb
Don't bother calling Susie back, as she's on vacation until next Tuesday. Mach dir nicht die Mühe Susie zurückzurufen, da sie bis nächsten Freitag im Urlaub ist.
Stop bothering me, Philip. Hör auf mich zu nerven, Philip.
I couldn't be bothered (to have a shower this morning): ich hatte keine Lust (diesen Morgen eine Dusche zu nehmen) idiom

UK: Stop bothering me, Philip.
US: I'm not bothering you, am I?


  • "No one bothers you in the window seat."
  • "I want to bother you."
  • "It would be a shame to have to bother Bruno with this."
  • "I will meet you Thursday evening at the factory, at 6.00 PM. Don't worry about bothering the employees, they are used to working irregular hours and shifts."
  • "However, I now have an answer to all of your concerns: health and safety, hygiene, nutrition, freshness of food, vegetarian options, vegan options, gluten-free options, kosher options, halal options, nut allergies, and all the other things you're always bothering me about."
  • "John : Oh, ok, sorry to bother you."
  • "I can get up without bothering anyone, and there's more room for my legs."
  • "Brian : You mean are you bothering me?"
  • "Don't let me bother you though."

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