Übersetzung & Definition
a (financial) boom: ein (finanzieller) Aufschwung
Im eigentlichen Sinne bedeutet a boom "eine Detonation" oder "eine Explosion".
We really need a property boom right now. Wir brauchen im Augenblick wirklich einen Immobilienaufschwung.
Es gibt noch weitere Ausdrücke mit boom:
a baby-boom ein Babyboom
a boom and bust economy eine schwankende Wirtschaftslage
Business is booming!: Das Geschäft blüht!
(a) booming (economy): (eine) erfolgreiche (Wirtschaft)
- "Online record shops are more and more numerous, and auction websites that sell second-hand vinyl records are booming."
- "The outsourcing boom shows no signs of slowing: India, China and the Philippines have been targets for western businesses for some time now."
- "Buzziness is Booming"
- "Susie : As a matter of fact Philip, since you insist on making this a financial issue: immediately after the public became aware of their labor practices, their stock dropped 44% despite a booming stock market."
- ""Bada bing bada boom", I'll give you a little kid in 9 months!"
- ""BOOM"!"
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