Übersetzung & Definition

bollocks: Schwachsinn noun
It's a load of bollocks! Das ist lauter Schwachsinn!


  • "Jackson Bollocks : Hello Brian, welcome to my workshop."
  • "My kid could do that": New Bollocks work to be displayed in San Francisco"
  • "Jackson Bollocks : Well, it would be more like a blob than a statue."
  • "A new retrospective for famed post-modernist painter Jackson Bollocks is set to begin at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art next Tuesday."
  • "Jackson Bollocks : Don't worry, I've arranged a small demonstration to show you what I mean."
  • "Jackson Bollocks : Steel?"
  • "Bollocks is well known as a "splatter painter" or a "drip painter", which simply means that he stood on top of his canvases and threw the paint down onto them. Bollocks was an alcoholic, and often painted while drunk, as even novice museum-goers can guess."
  • "Jackson Bollocks : Listen Mr Jones, I'm going to give you a basic lesson in materials: a tall figure made from glass would soon break, especially if it were full of liquid."
  • "Anyway, I've arranged to meet a local sculptor - Jackson Bollocks - in his workshop next week."

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