Übersetzung & Definition
blind: blind
a blind date ein "Blind Date", ein Treffen mit einer unbekannten Person
a blind taste test ein Geschmackstest mit verbundenen Augen
the blind: die Blinden
a school for the blind eine Blindenschule
- "Me, with a wife and two kids, chopping wood in the nude with a blind woman!"
- "Chopping wood in the nude with a blind woman?"
- "You're not blind, your eyes are just closed."
- "You're blind."
- "I'm blind."
- "When she told me she was blind, I immediately wanted to know more about her, to "see" who she really was inside."
- "I'm joined in the cockpit by my co-pilot in training, Randy Williams. Randy happens to be blind, but we're happy to have him with us on his first flight."
- "I'm blind!"
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