Übersetzung & Definition
to blame: vorwerfen
To blame wird oft durch for oder on gefolgt :
The police blamed me for starting the fire. Die Polizei hat mir vorgeworfen, das Feuer angezündet zu haben.
The CEO blamed his failure on the recent recession. Der Generaldirektor hat sein Versagen auf die Rezession in der letzten Zeit geschoben.
Pronunciation examples
UK: I took the blame for losing the contract.
US: I would've blamed you, too!
- "Experts are blaming this miscalculation on the "excessive drinking culture" that exists at archeological digs."
- "The authorities have blamed a faulty switch for the catastrophe, which will cost the state five to six million euros."
- "I blame it on server at station 12, which I am beginning to suspect is possessed."
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