Übersetzung & Definition
to be in touch: in Kontakt sein
Are you still in touch with Maria? Hast du noch Kontakt zu Maria?
to get in touch: sich in Verbindung setzen, jemanden kontaktieren, sich bei jemandem melden
Polly will get in touch with you next week to set up a meeting. Polly wird sich nächste Woche mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um ein Treffen zu arrangieren.
to stay, to keep in touch: in Kontakt bleiben, in Verbindung bleiben
Let's try to stay in touch this summer. Lass uns versuchen, diesen Sommer in Kontakt zu bleiben.
- "If ever you become one, please don't hesitate to get in touch."
- "We'll be in touch, Mr. Mayor."
- "Harold : Okay, that's great Carter. We'll be in touch."
- "I'll fax you the specifications of the bottles and containers as soon as possible, and we'll be in touch shortly."
- "If you remember anything else, get in touch with Brian."
- "Harold : Okay, that's great, Carter. We'll be in touch."
- "Giuseppe knows how to get in touch with me if absolutely necessary."
- "Edward : Thank you Alice, we'll be in touch within the next few days."
- "Anyway, get in touch if you want the spare ticket!"
- "Please keep me posted, we'll be in touch."
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