Übersetzung & Definition

the background (of a candidate): der Hintergrund, der Werdegang (eines Bewerbers) noun
I have a background in economics and political science. Ich habe einen wirtschafts- und politikwissenschaftlichen Hintergrund.
background (noise): das Hintergrundgeräusch adjective
Who's that I hear in the background? Wen höre ich da im Hintergrund?
the background (of a photo): der Hintergrund (eines Fotos) noun
What's in the background of the picture? Was ist im Hintergrund des Bildes?


  • "Knowing your background in espionage, I thought you might be interested in a $1000 gift voucher at the Spies'R'Us store."
  • "Polly : Is that Philip I hear in the background?"
  • "She has a background in communications, and she is the head of our marketing department."
  • "I know that radio stations sometimes feature on-air personalities with no medical background."
  • "Wow, is that a giraffe I can see in the background?"
  • "She has a background in Communications, and she is the head of our marketing department."
  • "To further acquaint you with my background, I have enclosed my resume."
  • "I wait one minute while some country music echoes in the background."
  • "Edward : Ok, I'd probably be a flute, because I'm high-pitched, often in the background, but once you get to know me, I have a lovely melody."

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