Übersetzung & Definition

the average, on average: der Durchschnitt, im Durchschnitt noun
On average, Philip dates 6.5 women per month. Im Durchschnitt geht Philip mit 6,5 Frauen pro Monat aus.
above average über dem Durchschnitt
below average unter dem Durchschnitt
average: durchschnittlich adjective
I was actually impressed by the director, whose last film was quite average. Ich war in der Tat beeindruckt von dem Regisseur, dessen letzter Film ziemlich durchschnittlich war.
to average (80 km/h): im Durchschnitt fahren (80 km/h) verb


  • "Did you know that on average, it takes approximately 6 favorable impressions to overcome 1 unfavorable impression?"
  • "We can attribute this growth to two key factors: the increase in disposable income for the average Chinese household, and the opening of our new flagship store in the heart of Beijing's commercial center."
  • "It's just below the seasonal average."
  • "or the average estimate of 500 random people who know nothing about cows?"
  • "Luna : Oh that's difficult, there's no such thing as the "average" Delavigne employee."
  • "Icarus : Yes, but... Horatio, normally the average cost of your monthly supplies is around 600 dollars, US currency."
  • "Tell me, if you had to describe the average Delavigne employee in three words, which would you choose?"
  • "-Buy back 4,500 unsold units from other various retailers and partners, including web-based partners, at an average of $60 per unit ($270,000)"
  • "The average American family can't afford to dine in sit down restaurants anymore."
  • "Average winter temperature in Finland?"

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