Übersetzung & Definition

(I can read and watch TV) at the same time: (Ich kann lesen und fernsehen) zur selben Zeit idiom
Albert has been seeing two women at the same time for 20 years! Albert ging 20 Jahre lang mit zwei Frauen gleichzeitig aus.


  • "It is clear that Delavigne should be looking at targeting the male 15-24 age group, while at the same time advertising the fact that Delavigne products have no negative side effects for males of this age range."
  • "At the same time I would also like to take that opportunity to briefly review Delavigne's latest offering of products and services, and perhaps even convince you to have dinner with me."
  • "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."
  • "Or perhaps you'd like to come to my book club which takes place at the same time on Tuesday evenings?"
  • "Jean : I heard about a terrible pigeon epidemic where pigeons are dying and flying at the same time."
  • "I can't reveal that information because... at the same time"
  • "He then burns the paper with a lighter, while singing and dancing at the same time."
  • "You'll want to summarise what you've been talking about earlier, and at the same time politely establish your authority at the podium."
  • "I wish there were enough room on my screen to display both documents at the same time!"

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