Übersetzung & Definition
an associate: ein Teilhaber, ein Partner
Let me introduce you to my business associate. Erlauben Sie mir, Ihnen meinen Geschäftspartner vorzustellen.
an associate (director): ein stellvertretender Direktor
to associate: verbinden, verknüpfen, assoziieren, verbünden, angehören
I associate Ivana Bümbüm with Delavigne perfumes. Ich bringe Ivana Bümbüm mit den Delavigne-Parfums in Verbindung.
I don't want to be associated with people like him. Ich möchte nicht mit Leuten wie ihm in Verbindung gebracht werden.
- "Cheryl : His Majesty The Sheik wants to enable all the men of his country to smell as good as he does, and to associate this scent with their sheik."
- "The Associated Press"
- "These days conservatives are often associated with strong religious beliefs as well."
- ""Cheap", "tacky", and "gimmick" aren't words that we want to associate with the Delavigne Corporation."
- "Associate Retail Manager"
- "I am offering a handful of Bruno's most esteemed business associates the opportunity to come dressed as famous inmates."
- "Dear valued associate"
- "Bruno : It just so happens that Horatio and I are business associates..."
- "Today, these places are considered landmarks and represent the freedom with which San Francisco is traditionally associated."
- "In the lobby you'll be met by an associate of mine."
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