Übersetzung & Definition

As I was saying: Wie ich gesagt habe idiom
As I was saying the other day, this meeting is extremely important. Wie ich neulich schon gesagt habe, ist diese Besprechung sehr wichtig.


  • "Oh, so as I was saying, it will be tough to find a room for tonight, but I'll see what I can do."
  • "As I said earlier, I am a man."
  • "As I said though, the choice is yours."
  • "Jackson : Here goes the glass... You see, the glass has completely shattered - glass is too brittle, as I said."
  • "Susie : As I said, we're prepared to do whatever it takes to sign Miss Bümbüm. We would pay her a flat fee of 25,000 dollars for the television ad."
  • "As I said, this one's on me... Wait a second, 35 dollars?"
  • "Hannah : As I was saying, Philip, Kimmie is here to..."
  • "Conductor : As I was saying, Boston played a large role in the birth of our great nation, which is why it is sometimes called the "cradle of liberty"."
  • "Bruno : As I was saying, Philip, I think Brian has the potential to be an excellent salesman, and I want you to be the one to teach him. There's no one better for the job."

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