Übersetzung & Definition

an argument (against the death penalty): ein Argument (gegen die Todesstrafe) noun
an argument (between two people): ein Streit (zwischen zwei Personen) noun


  • "Bruno and his brother Felix have an argument"
  • ""Facts" will not be used in my arguments."
  • "If someone isn't hearing my argument, I just turn up the volume until I get a sale."
  • "to talk until you're blue in the face - to talk for a very long time without people listening to your arguments"
  • "Enriqué : Brent, I hear this argument from Americans all the time, and I think it's a cultural issue more than anything else."
  • "Judge : Well, personally I found that argument quite convincing, but, I suppose that legally, you're entitled to defend yourself, Mr. Delavigne."
  • "An additional argument is that foods obtained within a 150 mile (240 km) radius of your home will likely taste better than those which have been packaged, flown, shipped or driven over longer distances."
  • "I'll now hear your arguments."
  • "Wow, what an argument!"
  • "At 2.20pm Luna DeLune claims to have seen Icarus Quincy and Bruno having a heated argument by the coffee machine."

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