Übersetzung & Definition
a (job) application: eine Bewerbung (um eine Stelle), ein Antrag
I filled out my application for a passport. Ich habe meinen Antrag auf einen Reisepass ausgefüllt.
an application (of the law): Anwendung/Durchführung (des/eines Gesetzes)
Application auch im Sinne von "Anwendung":
During your internship, you will be able to put your training into application. Während deines Praktikums kannst du deine Kenntnisse in der Praxis anwenden.
Application kann auch ein "Anstrich" (bei Farbe) bedeuten:
We need to wait for the paint to dry before putting on another application. Wir müssen warten bis die Farbe getrocknet ist, bevor wir einen weiteren Anstrich auftragen.
a(n) (job) applicant: ein(e) Bewerber(in) (für einen Posten)
Pronunciation examples
UK: My job application was successful - I start tomorrow!
US: This technology has many applications: for example, identity theft.
- "We will not be able to consider your application any further."
- "I've provided a link to an application that will help me select the best day for the picnic."
- "This application will give me a clearer idea when to organise my picnic!"
- "The announcement came as a major shock to EU Commission officials, who were stunned by this application."
- "We make no guarantee that your application for refund will be accepted."
- "Poorly-written application email + inappropriate joke about alcoholism = polite rejection."
- "Don't worry, it's not as CRAZY as this speculative application!"
- "Look, I'm no technophobe, I churn my butter and milk my cows like the rest of you, but would you care to explain to me why I need an application which creates ocean sounds from my phone while I sleep?"
- "That is absolutely NOT grounds for dismissing an application!"
- "-Do you mean that you lied on your application?"
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