Übersetzung & Definition
an appearance: eine Erscheinung
to make an appearance: erscheinen, auftreten
Madonna plans to make an appearance on stage later tonight. Madonna plant, später heute Abend aufzutreten.
the appearances: die Erscheinungen, der Anschein
Judging by its appearances, I would not like to stay at this hotel. Dem Aussehen nach zu urteilen, möchte ich nicht in diesem Hotel absteigen.
- "Icarus : Well you see, the office currently affords us certain liberties in our outward appearances once a week-"
- "Bruno : Appearances can be deceiving, Brian."
- "Icarus : Err, I take pride in the appearance of my work, uhh, habitat."
- "Susie : Regarding the budget for the shoot: the most expensive aspect of this project will be securing Ms. Bümbüm's services, she's charging a minimum of 50,000 dollars per appearance these days."
- "I should tell you up front, Miss Bliss, Ivana doesn't even get out of bed for less than 50,000 dollars an appearance, but I'm sure you already knew that..."
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