Übersetzung & Definition
That doesn't have anything to do with (the problem): (Das hat nichts mit (dem Problem) zu tun.
Did Horatio have anything to do with the robbery? Hat Horatio irgendetwas mit dem Raub zu tun gehabt?
(The problem) has to do with (your attitude): (Das Problem) hat mit (Ihrer Einstellung) zu tun.
- "It has to do with what we talked about the other day."
- "But I don't see what this has to do with Delavigne perfumes."
- "Polly : I don't see how my nationality has anything to do with it."
- "Bruno : I told you once and I'll tell you again Badguy, I don't want to have anything to do with criminals and mafiosos like you."
- "The, err, problem has to do with our current business software."
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