Übersetzung & Definition
to anticipate: annehmen, vorausgreifen, erwarten
We try to anticipate your every need. Wir versuchen, all Ihre Bedürfnisse schon vorab zu befriedigen.
We're anticipating a large turnout. Wir prognostizieren eine hohe Beteiligung.
I didn't anticipate any problems. Ich habe keine Probleme erwartet.
unanticipated: unerwartet
- "Anticipate and accommodate our customers' needs."
- "Fans of the punk group "Down with the Duke" will finally get their wish when the band makes its highly anticipated comeback tomorrow night at the Free Trade Room in New York City."
- "Bob also said that even though we have some printing problems, which he anticipates will last for a while, he will be here to wish Horatio a "happy birthday", in person."
- "Miss Bümbüm will receive a percentage of the sales of the products she endorses, which we anticipate will be quite significant."
- "We'll have to strike earlier than anticipated."
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