Übersetzung & Definition

to be afraid (of snakes): Angst haben, sich (vor Schlangen) fürchten idiom
I'm afraid. Ich habe Angst.
(I'm) afraid (that he is very sick): (Ich) fürchte, (dass er sehr krank ist) idiom
I'm afraid to say that (your plant is dead): Ich fürchte (deine Pflanze ist tot) idiom


  • "Lawyer : I'm afraid that there's some bad news as well, Mr. Capone."
  • "I'm afraid this is also a fight to the death."
  • "We've had to lock the door to his hut, I'm afraid."
  • "Samantha : I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can never hope to replace Sheeba."
  • "I read your CV with interest, but I'm afraid to say we have no suitable vacancies at present."
  • "They are trying to break me, Bruno, and I am afraid that despite my rugged, tough exterior, I may not last."
  • "It's not that I'm scared of committing to Betty, it's just that with my history, I'm afraid it might be impossible."
  • "Doctor von Headcold : I'm afraid you have lost your ability to smell!"
  • "Afraid to go into the deep"
  • "I'm afraid to say you were right."

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