Übersetzung & Definition
advance: Fortschritt, Verbesserung, Vorsprung, Vorwärtskommen
Many advances have been made in the field of medicine in the twentieth century. Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden im Bereich der Medizin viele Fortschritte gemacht.
to advance: fortschreiten, vorankommen, voranschreiten
advanced: fortgeschritten, vorangeschritten, weiterentwickelt, vorgerückt
Fortunately, the disease has not reached an advanced stage yet. Glücklicherweise hat die Krankheit noch kein fortgeschrittenes Stadium erreicht.
- "They feature the most advanced voice mail options for messages ever!"
- "As soon as future medical technology has advanced, your body will be defrosted, healed and revived."
- "Scouted advance locations for circus events"
- "I'll send you both an advance copy this afternoon!"
- "Philip : Advances, yes, no doubt about it, but "unwanted"?"
- "I have tried my best in the past few days to advance in my work, so that I won't be too far behind when I return."
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