Übersetzung & Definition
an address: eine Adresse, eine Anschrift
Here is my new address: 66 Red Devil Drive. Hier ist meine neue Adresse: 66 Red Devil Drive.
to address: adressieren, behandeln, anschreiben, richten an, angehen, ansprechen
I'm addressing my speech to everyone in the audience. Ich richte meine Rede an alle im Publikum.
We will try to address all your concerns at the meeting today. Wir werden versuchen all Ihre Belange in der heutigen Besprechung zu behandeln.
- "Brian : Perhaps we could try this address written on the back of the photo?"
- "This is the address he gave me!"
- "Journalist 1 : Mr. Delavigne, would you care to address rumors of your alleged homosexuality once and for all?"
- "only offer you a mobile phone number, rather than a land line and a permanent address."
- "You're certain this is the address your son gave you, Horatio?"
- "I'm not familiar with that address."
- "Home address: THE PACIFIC OCEAN"
- "My schedule isn't important at all because tonight, the thing you're forgetting, is the shareholders meeting, where I have to address the shareholders, employees and the media to tell them about Horatio!"
- "Icarus : Are you sure this is the right address, Mr. Horatio?"
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