Übersetzung & Definition
to accuse (one's dog of stealing): (seinen Hund des Diebstahls) anklagen
- "She's accused me of being sexist, racist, arrogant, and worst of all, American, which is just crazy."
- "Horatio : I accuse him because it is the truth."
- "You, Brian Alastair Sinclair Jones, have been accused of industrial espionage."
- "Brian Jones, 32, special assistant to CEO Bruno Delavigne, has been accused of orchestrating an international spy ring within the heart of the perfume giant."
- "Brian Jones, 37, special assistant to CEO Bruno Delavigne, has been accused of stealing trade secrets from within the heart of the company."
- "You, Brian Alastair Sinclair Jones, have been accused of industrial espionage, which contravenes the confidentiality at work accord of May 1972, sub-clause 15 bracket B paragraph 3."
- "Why would you accuse him of spying?"
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