Übersetzung & Definition
an accomplishment: eine Errungenschaft, eine Durchführung, eine Vollendung
Congratulations on all these accomplishments! Glückwünsche zu all diesen Errungenschaften!
My boss waited until the accomplishment of all my projects to fire me. Mein Chef wartete, bis ich all meine Projekte fertiggestellt hatte, und kündigte mir dann.
to accomplish: ausführen, bewältigen, vollenden, erreichen
Pronunciation examples
UK: I've accomplished many great things in my years on earth.
US: This novel is quite an accomplishment.
- "Accomplishment allows us to feel that we're capable of functioning within society."
- "Consequently, I have created a "bucket list" of the things I hope to accomplish before dying, and have asked you to do the same."
- "Everything Bruno has done for his company is a real accomplishment!"
- "And I know you'll accomplish this mission."
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