Übersetzung & Definition
abuse: die Beleidigung, der Missbrauch, die Misshandlung
animal abuse die Tierquälerei
alcohol abuse der Alkoholmissbrauch
to abuse: misshandeln, missbrauchen
Luna volunteers for an organization that helps abused children. Luna arbeitet ehrenamtlich bei einer Organisation, die missbrauchten Kindern hilft.
- "The company, at the center of hundreds of scandals in the last 10 years, ranging from illegal bear hunts to monkey abuse to laboratory explosions, just can't seem to get their act together."
- "Delavigne doesn't pay me enough to deal with this kind of abuse."
- "Have you been abusing your powers as a ruthless dictator, tyrannical tyrant or cruel despot?"
- "I've got the barbershop blues, I was abused"
- "I telephoned to cancel the vacation, and all I received was abuse!"
- "Susie : In 1999, it was revealed that the company was guilty of labor abuses in Indonesia, Vietnam, and China."
- "I refuse to excuse this abuse!"
- "In the Sports section, stories of steroid abuse."
- "You've only been alive for a matter of months, but I've already had reports of public indecency, aggressive lullaby singing, diaper throwing, tummy aches, temper tantrums, loud crying and some very serious accusations of milk abuse."
- "Brian : No, I've been a victim of racist abuse!"
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