Übersetzung & Definition

above: oben, oberhalb, über adverb
He thinks he's above everyone and everything. Er denkt, er ist allen und allem überlegen.

UK: As you can see, my head is above my chest.
US: Celebrities can do what they want. They're above the law.


  • "You have a $500 deductible on your comprehensive and collision coverage, meaning that Ouch Insurance will pay for any damages above this amount."
  • "Standing above him was his friend and doctor, Katarina von Headcold."
  • "The massive skylight above us illuminates the entire space with natural light."
  • "The above points probably seem obvious to most of us, but the great aunt Margarets of this world might find them useful."
  • "I am quite happy to consider any of the above options, as long as it's number 4."
  • "And all the workers are paid the minimum wage or above?"
  • "Concretely, this means that we do not ask candidates about their religion or ethnicity, if they have or plan to have children, and we do not make any assumptions or jokes about any of the above subjects."
  • "Bruno : No, I'll give you a good price: at or above our suggested list prices."
  • "I've put the plaque above my bed."
  • "The market has been driven by an exchange rate that has risen above two dollars to the British pound for the first time since the early 1980s."

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