Übersetzung & Definition
about that...: betreffend... bezüglich...
About that raise I asked for yesterday, I've changed my mind. In Bezug auf die Gehaltserhöhung, um die ich gestern gebeten habe, habe ich meine Meinung geändert.
(I would like to talk) about that (later): (Ich würde gerne später) darüber (reden)
- "Hannah : I'm not sure about that Horatio."
- "Forget about that, let me show you another "app"."
- "Icarus's Mom : Ah, oh... I'm not sure about that, Icarus, my injury isn't that bad."
- "Now, you might be wondering what's so interesting about that."
- "Brent : What's so interesting about that, Moira?"
- "Anyway, you have to talk to Philip about that."
- "Could you tell me who I could talk to about that?"
- "Edward : No, everybody knows about that."
- "Rupert : Well I wouldn't know anything about that, but thank you nonetheless."
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