Übersetzung & Definition
a check (US), a cheque (UK): ein Scheck
Can you write me a check? Können Sie mir einen Scheck ausstellen?
to check: kontrollieren, überprüfen, checken, untersuchen
the check (for the meal) (US): die Rechnung
- "Bruno : Testing, testing, 1,2, check."
- "I'm here to check into the crazy house."
- "I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab."
- "In the morning, I like to check my emails."
- "Can I check my messages?"
- "Curiously, the security didn't check them. I would love to share these special foods, wines and odors with you."
- "I know you don't check your emails, so you wouldn't have received the message I sent you last week."
- "Stroller? Check. Bottle of 24-year-old Scotch?"
- "Diapers? Check. Stroller?"
- "Do not check the rest of your inbox."
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