Übersetzung & Definition
a bunch (of grapes): die Weintrauben
A bunch of us are going to get some drinks. Would you like to come with us? Einige von uns werden etwas trinken gehen. Würdest du gerne mit uns kommen?
a bunch (of friends, of clothes): eine Gruppe (von Freunden), ein Haufen (Kleidung)
I have a bunch of clothes I want to give away. Ich habe einen Haufen Kleidung, die ich weggeben möchte.
- "around, you're like a bunch of f#@$#%!"
- "You're acting hysterical, honey bunch!"
- "Youse ( sic ) are a bunch of fuckin' elephants."
- "Too bad New Zealanders are a bunch of cocky a-holes descended from criminals and retarded monkeys."
- "We've already cast a bunch of A-list Hollywood actors and actresses."
- "Bruno : I'm working with a bunch of amateurs!"
- "Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch, you know that I love you, I can't help myself."
- "I have a bunch of computer equipment lying around here, I'll see if I can find a keyboard in all this junk."
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