to unveil: 揭去…的面罩,拉开…的帷幔
He unveiled his invention at the conference. 他在会议上公布了他的发明。
to veil: 用面纱遮盖,掩饰
The bride's face was veiled on the wedding day. 在结婚的那一天,新娘的脸上会蒙上面纱。
Delavigne's plans for its next perfume are veiled in secrecy. 德拉维涅下一个香水计划还未可知。
Pronunciation examples
UK: She wears a veil to hide her very big nose.
US: I will unveil my plan tomorrow at the stroke of midnight.
- "Scientists unveil new deterrent against bird flu"
- "First of all, it is with great pride that I unveil Delavigne's newest perfume: TigerLily."
- "Notorious for his astute business sense and suspect business ethics, Mazerati has unveiled plans to triple D&C's profits within 6 years."
- "CEO Bruno Delavigne, along with Chief of Research and Development Horatio Oléré, will unveil a philanthropic initiative of great consequence, to be revealed at the time of press conference (6 PM)."
- "I'm pleased to announce that this Thursday evening at 7pm, we will unveil the first painting in Delavigne Corp's new art collection."