
to research: 研究,调查,分析,检验 verb
注意:to do research这个结构表达“做研究”的意思,要用动词to do而不是to make
Susie has been researching some ideas for a new ad campaign. 苏茜一直在研究这个新广告的设计。
research: 调查,研究,分析, noun
research 常用单数形式。
Icarus's research is usually very exhaustive. 伊卡洛斯的研究通常都很透彻。
  • "As requested, I've done a bit of research on your father Stephen Moon, and it turns out that he is in fact a gold miner living in Fairbanks, Alaska."
  • "It may sound like an accident waiting to happen, but certain high-profile university professors are researching powering aircraft with on-board nuclear reactors."
  • "Other research suggests that sleep is needed for creative problem-solving."
  • "In the interest of research, I have travelled from London to Paris and back three times in the past three weeks, using three different modes of transport."
  • "I went ahead and did some research into your mother as well."
  • "And besides, I did some research, she's married to a brain surgeon."
  • "After years of research, I'm proud to introduce you all to my newest employee, THX-1134, the ultimate salesperson!"
  • "Hannah, you'll research some fine restaurants."
  • "Please... if you find this diary, give all of my money to robot research, and my dog Stink."
  • "The lesson to draw from Smithson's research seems to be that stress can help us to perform better, so long as we don't worry about it too much!"


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