to form: 创建,建立
Let's form a club.我们成立一个俱乐部吧。
We formed a friendship.我们建立友谊吧。
a form: 一个,一种,一类
We offer perfume bottles in different forms.我们提供不同的形式香水瓶。
(Please fill out) the form: (请填写)该表格
- "Thank you, I received those forms that you sent me."
- "Messages in bottles are not the most reliable form of correspondence, but as my camp is patrolled by French guards, there is no shortage of empty wine bottles."
- "I've already sneezed several times on this form. Sorry."
- "Not only are melody and rhythm essential ingredients in the perfume-making process, I believe they are essential for all forms of work."
- "Be sure to fill out the proper "Meeting Request Form" available on the intranet, and return it to me at least seven calendar days before the date of the scheduled meeting."
- "Well I think the goal was to express the problem in matrix form, so we're really maximizing C to the power of T times X, which is subject to AX smaller than or equal to B, with X being greater than or equal to zero."
- "Be sure to complete the "Meeting Request Form" available on the intranet, and return it to me at least seven days before the date of the scheduled meeting."
- "To me, it suggests a perfume bottle shaped in the form of our initials "DC"."
- "Or do you want me to complete the form using my own blood – get it?"
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