to stink: 使发出臭味,发臭
To stink 也可比喻某种熟悉的语言。
This movie stinks! 这部电影糟糕透了!
This idea stinks! 这主意糟糕透了!
This is an irregular verb:
I stink / I stank or stunk / I have stunk
(This situation) stinks!: (这种情况)很糟糕,糟糕透顶
Pronunciation examples
UK: The whole house stunk of bacon.
US: Stink is the cutest dog in San Fransisco, but sometimes he stinks.
- "I was on the phone with a very important client, about to close a six-figure deal when Stink attacked my leg."
- "Kill Stink the dog!"
- "Stink gets all the attention!"
- "Specifically, Bruno's dog, Stink."
- "You each had the opportunity - and motive - to kill Stink... but now I'm going to tell you exactly who committed the terrible crime of doggy murder!"
- "Not only did I lose the deal, but Stink ruined my favorite pair of pants."
- "Everyone here knows you're jealous of Stink."
- "Everyone in this room has a motive for killing Stink... including you, Brian Jones!"
- "Stink saw me do it, but I swear I didn't kill him!"
- "Lucie : Yes, Philip, but isn't it true that you had a violent verbal confrontation with Stink?"