(Stand) still: (站立着)静止的,一动不动地
It was still all through the house. 这座房子还是老样子。
(I am) still (hungry): (我)仍然,还是(饥饿的)
Despite her accident, Luna still bikes to work. 尽管鲁娜发生了意外,但她还是骑自行车上班。
Bob is still waiting for his server to arrive. 鲍勃一直都在等待服务人员的到来。
Still, (it's the thought that counts!): 然而,尽管如此(最重要的是思想!)
- "Though the details of Stink's gruesome murder are still hazy, I'm sure that you understand my deep and pervasive hatred for you, and by extension, all things British."
- "It's just that we're looking for a friend of ours, we're not sure if he's still alive, and we've got to find him and then get off this island."
- "Sit still and I'll read it."
- "Examples: "She still hasn't apologized for breaking my heart or my nose."
- "Though I am still mourning Stink (a period which will last 40 days and 40 nights), I have decided to communicate to you my wishes for your atonement."
- "I still don't know what he means by that."
- "Still, I wish we were at the staff party next door."
- "Horatio : Can we have the party time and the enjoyment satisfaction afterwards, still?"
- "Horatio : General, I mean Rainbow Child, am I still under arrest?"
- "I think he might still be mad at me."