the star key: 星号键;*
Press the star key to return to the main menu. 按*号键返回主菜单。
a key: 钥匙,音调,按键
I forgot my keys at home. 我把钥匙忘在家了。
the backspace key 退格键
What key is this sonata played in? 这个奏鸣曲的音调是什么?
- "Robot : Now press the star key eight times to make a nice tune."
- "Actually I think you have to press the star key, I think."
- "I press the star key to be connected to a live customer service representative."
- "Donna : To listen to your messages, enter your code and press the star key."
- "And I'm pressing the star key and go!"
仍然觉得使用“Star key”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧!
他们的意见 :
您有记住这条规则的妙招吗?关于避免在“Star key”上犯错的小贴士呢?