a spray: 喷雾,喷雾器
to spray (down): 喷射(向下)
(hair) spray: (发)胶
- "You're going to spray me with your perfume?"
- "I'll smell it, but don't spray me with it, please."
- "(Perfume spray) Urgh!"
- "The perfume killer sprays each of his victims with a different"
- "Bruno mixed these flowers with red wine to create homemade perfumes which he tested on the family dog, Stink who allowed Bruno to spray him with various odors and fragrances."
- "My job is to make the smells that you spray on your daughters and on your pets."
- "And cans of spray"
- "He even sprays it on his pillow before going to bed."
- "Bad: Don't spray near an open flame"