
a (natural water) source: (水)资源 noun
food sources 食物来源
a source of (income, information): ……的方式(收入,信息) idiom

UK: Singing on the metro is my only source of income.
US: There is nothing like water from a natural water source.
  • "Although the media has been banned from the meetings, sources have reported yelling, dogs barking, and numerous bottles breaking during the negotiations."
  • "Kevin : My boss will be thrilled that we've found a manufacturing source which meets all international labor standards and produces everything we need for so little!"
  • "Brian : Our sources tell us that just minutes before Stink's corpse was discovered by Bruno, you were seen in the sales department!"
  • "These days, people are shopping and banking online, instant messaging from mobile phones, posting status updates through Spitter, blogging, vlogging (or better yet mobile vlogging), aggregating news from various sources and perfecting their profiles on popular social networking sites."
  • "They are a source of mystery, curiosity and even obsession for people across the world(s)."
  • "Thursday : Sources report that the jet setting juice juggernaut was partying hard in the underwater city of Atlantis , riding sea horses and organizing illegal dolphin fights."
  • "" (source: my spies)"
  • "You however, are responsible for sourcing my new companion."
  • "If Gidyeon decides to slash his prices again, I promise you that we will no longer do business with him, and we will consider legal action against him. I've learned from my sources that this liquidation sale was only advertised online for a few days, and that the page views on the website were modest, so I hope that your sales weren't adversely affected."



他们的意见 :



我喜欢在线做我的语言课程。每天大约10分钟就够了... 谢谢!






你的方法很独特! 你们的课程帮助我在海外交流期间取得了进步和自信...



Gymglish让我提高口语和书面表达能力的机会。 我绝对不会错过的课!

