to renew: 更新,更换
I need to renew my passport. 我需要更换护照。
a renewal: 更新,更换
My subscription will soon need a renewal. 我的订阅得重新续订了。
renewable (energy): (能源)可再生的,可更新的
- "Susie : I've also renewed our contract with Ivana Bümbüm and she will continue to promote Delavigne perfumes for the next four years."
- "As far as incentives are concerned, we offer Ivana a six-month provisional contract with an almost-guaranteed renewal following the launch of our advertising campaign."
- "Shannon : Check it, and with your agreement we can renew the same policy."
- "I made two mistakes that day: not putting on my seatbelt (and suffering horrific nasal injuries as a result) and not renewing my auto insurance."
- "Cork is a renewable resource: its trees are not killed when the cork is taken."
- "You'll be pleased to know that despite our little incident, I managed to talk those suckers at "Smells R Us" into renewing their orders for the upcoming year."
- "I've also renewed our contract with Ivana Bümbüm and she will continue to promote Delavigne perfumes for the next four years."