
to promote: 促销,升职 verb
to promote a new product 促销新产品
to be promoted 晋升
a promotion: 提升,晋级 noun
For your good work, I’m giving you a promotion. 由于你努力工作,我要给你升职。
  • "One solution may be increasing discounts and promotions this year."
  • "Lots of talent, but you need to have the right agent to promote you, otherwise you'll never make it in Hollywood."
  • "A short jingle with original lyrics and music to promote Delavigne perfumes."
  • "I've also renewed our contract with Ivana Bümbüm and she will continue to promote Delavigne perfumes for the next four years."
  • "the president of a multinational perfume company should not be promoting a human cockfight in a business environment."
  • "Indigo Motel is selling shares on their website, and I just bought a ton of them. As soon as they raise $150,000 they'll use that money to record, promote and distribute their first album. As a shareholder, I will receive a cut of all sales and licensing."
  • "Maybe you can be promoted to manager after all."
  • "Their goal is to promote teamwork and develop "skill sets" which will help us become more confident, more efficient and more focused on the well-being of the entire organization."
  • "Warbuckle's Department Stores will donate a sum of 1 million dollars annually to charitable causes promoting democracy, free trade and open borders in Europe."



他们的意见 :



我喜欢在线做我的语言课程。每天大约10分钟就够了... 谢谢!






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