
Please find below...: 下面是... idiom
Please find below the directions to my house. 下面是去我家的方向。
below: 在下面 preposition
  • "Please find below the project that I intend to pursue."
  • "Below I have included a few remarks which you might find helpful in re-evaluating the contributions of Miss Bliss to your company."
  • "Below you shall find a list of the four remaining days of the work week, from Monday to Thursday."
  • "Please find below our personalized suggestions for new profiles for your managers on the social media site, LockedIn, based on what we know about each of them. We think that this "facelift" will improve the company's reputation and even provide new business opportunities."
  • "Below I have included a few remarks which summarize my experience with Icarus."
  • "Below you shall find a list of the four remaining days of the week, from Monday to Thursday."
  • "To join MyFace, please complete the registration data by filling in all the fields found below."
  • "Please find below all of my contact information (telephone and fax numbers, email, address, pager number, etc.) in the event that you would like to arrange a meeting, or simply discuss some specifics."


仍然觉得使用“Please find below”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧!

他们的意见 :



我喜欢在线做我的语言课程。每天大约10分钟就够了... 谢谢!






你的方法很独特! 你们的课程帮助我在海外交流期间取得了进步和自信...



Gymglish让我提高口语和书面表达能力的机会。 我绝对不会错过的课!


您有记住这条规则的妙招吗?关于避免在“Please find below”上犯错的小贴士呢?