
to pick up: 捡起,接(电话),获得 verb
To pick up 有几种不同的含义:
Pick up the telephone! 接电话!
Pick up your clothes from the floor. 从地上捡起你的衣服。
Philip picked up three girls at the bar last night. 菲利普昨晚在酒吧里结识了三个女孩。
He picked up the check. 他付了钱。
to pick (someone) up (from the airport): (从机场)接(某人回家) verb
Can you pick the kids up from school? 你能去学校接孩子们回家吗?
to pick up (something at the store): (在商店)采购(东西) idiom
to pick (someone) up (in a bar): (在酒吧里)结识(某人) verb
  • "Frank (Dispatcher) : "Pick-me-up" cabs, this is Frank."
  • "I need you this afternoon to run some errands, pick up my dry cleaning, and I have this weird rash that I need you to look at."
  • "learn about the culture in this peaceful land and better pick up women if the"
  • "(Philip ends the call and picks up the phone again)"
  • "I'm sure you'll find the job as gratifying as I found picking up your soiled tissues and discarded chocolate wrappers for the past decade as your special assistant."
  • "I'm gonna pick you up, turn you on, keep you clean..."
  • "If you pick up the paperclips off the floor, I'll help you sort these letters back into two piles."
  • "Besides, you said you would never pick up a tambourine again."
  • "She's so awful that just the sight of her makes people scream. When I pick her up, people run out of the room. In my hands, this instrument can do more damage than a bazooka!"
  • "Subject: Insane Person in hospital - Please pick up!"


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他们的意见 :



我喜欢在线做我的语言课程。每天大约10分钟就够了... 谢谢!






你的方法很独特! 你们的课程帮助我在海外交流期间取得了进步和自信...



Gymglish让我提高口语和书面表达能力的机会。 我绝对不会错过的课!


您有记住这条规则的妙招吗?关于避免在“Pick up”上犯错的小贴士呢?