otherwise: 否则
Stay here unless you're told otherwise. 一直呆在这里,除非有人通知你离开。
You have to make this call, otherwise I won't sign the contract. 你必须打这个电话,要不然我不签合同。
He says that he's single, but I know otherwise. 他说他单身,但我知道并非如此。
Pronunciation examples
UK: She has a big nose but otherwise she is very good looking.
US: Take a taxi, otherwise you'll be late!
- "I must thank you and your organization for the opportunity to meet Mr. Cheeter, he has certainly brought a little bit of sunshine into my otherwise drab existence."
- "Lots of talent, but you need to have the right agent to promote you, otherwise you'll never make it in Hollywood."
- "Otherwise it'll be toast for breakfast, dinner, and tea until the end of the month, and a big lad like me needs to keep his energy up."
- "Otherwise, leave us alone to get on with our work."
- "At the hotel room, well, I did actually receive an important phone call, otherwise I would have happily made love to her."
- "And I thank God that I am a woman and you are a boy, and not the other way round, otherwise I would be in prison."
- "However, I can tell you that the initiative kills two birds with one stone: not only should it improve the level of hygiene in the office, it will also provide a permanent use for otherwise useless intern, Edward Moon."
- "Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you next week."
他们的意见 :