the moon: 月球
the full moon 满月
- "Edward Marley : My name is Edward... Edward "Marley" Moon, and I've been sent here by Queen."
- "Slam dunk a basketball on the moon."
- "I want to give you the moon and the stars and the sun, and I want to get you a small planet if you want!"
- "I'm looking for Stephen Moon!"
- "As requested, I've done a bit of research on your father Stephen Moon, and it turns out that he is in fact a gold miner living in Fairbanks, Alaska."
- "Brent : That was Rupert Kensington reporting live from the moon."
- "Philip : Alright everybody, listen up, I'm only going to say this once: when the baby Jesus meets Buddha on the 25th moon of Endor, that's the dawning of the age of -"
- "Stephen Moon : Keep your pants on, I'm coming!"
- "Actually there's not much of anything on the moon."
- "Edward "Deep Throat" Moon"