an insight (into a problem): (对问题)的了解、洞察
Our next speaker will give us some insight into the secret life of bees. Here is Antoine Brenner! 下一个发言者将会让我认识一下蜜蜂的神秘生活。让我们欢迎安东尼·布伦纳
(to have) insight: (具有)洞察力
He has real insight into the psychology of elephants. 他真正了解大象心理。
- "He has no real insight on the plight of the proletariat."
- "I can honestly say that I haven't been able to forget two things from that evening: your astonishing insight into the world economy and the way you accidentally kissed me on the mouth when you said goodbye."
- "This is the first in a series of articles which aim to provide our readers with an insight into current events in Britain, as well as offering you a weekly rant by a rather outspoken woman."
他们的意见 :