to exist: 存在,生存,生活,幸存
I don't know if that really exists.我不知道那是否存在
existing: 目前的,现存的
There are many existing antitrust laws that would make releasing such a software impossible.许多现有的反垄断法使得发布这款软件成为不可能的事
- "You are unlikely to be lent any more money and you may not be able to transfer your existing loan from one home to another."
- "Experts are blaming this miscalculation on the "excessive drinking culture" that exists at archeological digs."
- "To your second point, the Soviet Union hasn't existed for nearly 20 years, and finally a luge is a type of high-speed sled."
- "In the real world, relationships like hers don't exist."
- "Take one look at that Tyrannosaur and tell me that dinosaurs don't exist!"
- "I do not exist."
- "I am confident that you will help us preserve our existing client base and provide our clients with excellent customer service, as well as discovering new opportunities for our products."
- "Does such a thing even exist in the States?"
- "All I receive is junk or spam from people wanting to enlarge parts of my body that don't even exist."