a dinosaur: 恐龙,守旧落伍的人
I got a baby dinosaur for my birthday this year 今年过生日时我收到一个恐龙宝宝。
- "French kiss a dinosaur."
- "Dinosaurs , which were proven to be much smaller than scientists originally thought."
- "-It's a dinosaur!"
- "Although most people do in fact accept dinosaurs as a real, though extinct species, there are some religious fundamentalists out there who refuse to acknowledge the existence of these fantastic lizards."
- "Take one look at that Tyrannosaur and tell me that dinosaurs don't exist!"
- "Jean : If you want, I have another one with a dinosaur that loves cheese..."
- "Fossil evidence has confirmed the existence of dinosaurs all over the world."
- "It's not a good argument that dinosaurs really existed."
- "Over the years, dinosaurs, these gigantic lizards which roamed the earth billions of years ago, have become a controversial subject."
- "Moira : Apparently, for certain groups, the existence of dinosaurs conflicts with their own creation theories, like the story of Adam and Eve for example."
他们的意见 :