a dent: 凹陷、坏影响
When we came home, we noticed that there was a dent in the door. 我们回到家时,发现门上有一道凹痕。
I really made a dent in my savings account this summer. 这个夏天我的储蓄花了好多。
to dent: 损坏、造成凹痕
During the accident, I dented my car.在事故中,我的车撞得挺严重。
- "If we are unable to sell this product, the overstock of perfumes could put a major dent in our profit margins."
- "Fall 2: I dented my "lucky" nickel coin."
- "Nickel is too soft, there's a huge dent in Mr Delavigne's head and his legs are all twisted."