(a plate of) chips (UK): (一盘)炸土豆条(英国)
In American English, "chips" are dried potato slices, and "French fries" are fried potatoes. 在美式英语里,"chips"是指干土豆片,“French fries'”是炸土豆。
(a packet of) chips (US): (一包)薯片(美国)
在英式英语里,chips(薯片) (美国)也被称为 crisps(各式洋芋片)
fish and chips: 炸鱼和土豆片
- "I'm here to talk about "Fish and Chips", one of the staples of British cuisine."
- "Rupert : Soon however, fish and chips could become a thing of the past!"
- "Brent : It is very sad, Moira, but at least they still have their chips!"
- "Get some sour cream and onion chips, with some dip, man"
- "Jean : Chips!"
- "Are fish and chips really in danger?"
- "Duck à la satsuma Fish and chips Liver and onions"
- "Chips, guacamole?"
- "I love fish and chips!"
- "What do the English usually eat with chips to make them more interesting?"