(I can read and watch TV) at the same time: (我可以阅读和看电视)同时,一起
Albert has been seeing two women at the same time for 20 years! Albert已经看到这两名妇女在一起长达20年了!
- "Jean : I heard about a terrible pigeon epidemic where pigeons are dying and flying at the same time."
- "Or perhaps you'd like to come to my book club which takes place at the same time on Tuesday evenings?"
- "It is clear that Delavigne should be looking at targeting the male 15-24 age group, while at the same time advertising the fact that Delavigne products have no negative side effects for males of this age range."
- "I can't reveal that information because... at the same time"
- "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."
- "You'll want to summarise what you've been talking about earlier, and at the same time politely establish your authority at the podium."
- "I wish there were enough room on my screen to display both documents at the same time!"
- "He then burns the paper with a lighter, while singing and dancing at the same time."
- "At the same time I would also like to take that opportunity to briefly review Delavigne's latest offering of products and services, and perhaps even convince you to have dinner with me."
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