(to study) abroad: 在国外(学习)
I'm going to study abroad. 我准备出国学习。
- "Jean : But we are already living and working abroad!"
- "So you guys are interested in living and working abroad?"
- "Universidad de la República, Study Abroad Office, Montevideo, Uruguay"
- "But I'm afraid America is not abroad."
- "Fashion insiders predict that within two years D&C will be outsourcing abroad for cheaper labour and materials, eliminating the biggest advantage that D&C had over its competitors."
- "I also worked closely with study abroad offices from other universities."
- "In the mid-90s, Shmike was one of the hottest stocks on the market: their products were dominant domestically and abroad."
- "I would like to get some more facts and figures about our subcontractors, and the conditions of the workers in our manufacturing plants abroad."
他们的意见 :